Sonntag, 30. März 2014

Hockey Science

Here's a confession: I'm a YouTube addict. I watch a lot of content from that video streaming site, and in particular I like educational and science videos. Channels like SciShow, CrashCourse, MinutePhysics, Veritasium, VSauce, ASAPScience, Sixty Symbols and The Periodic Table of Videos are always fun, entertaining and informative. Science is what makes humanity understand the world, and these guys do a lot to help humanity understand science.

Now since I am a big fan of hockey, I find it even more entertaining when these channels actually take a look at that sport, which is what Destin, the host of Smarter Every Day recently did. In particular he took a look at the physics involved in skating on ice, and those involved in firing off a slapshot in hockey. Some of the things he found out were surprising to me. Hope you enjoy them as well.

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